The Foundation of Environmental and Resource Economists functions since 1992. It realizes the following statutory objectives:
- Promotion of knowledge in the area of ecology, environmental protection and economics
- Development of contacts with national and international experts and institutions dealing with the problems of ecology, environmental protection and economy
- Focusing the attention of scientists, teachers and social and economic activists on the Foundation and its objectives.
These objectives are being realized by:
- Publishing
- Organization, co-organization and participation in conferences, seminars, workshops and fairs on ecology, environmental protection and economy
- Initiating and conducting research in the area of environmental protection, ecology and economics.
The Foundation publishes the journal „Ekonomia i Środowisko”. This title is indexed in the Master Journal List – Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, EHIR PLUS, Index Copernicus, Agro, BazEkon, BazTech and EBSCO host. So far, 81 issues have been published.
The Economics and Environment Publishers, functioning within the structure of the Foundation, have so far published over 150 books, including scientific books, brochures, photo albums and dictionaries.
The Foundation has already organized 25 conferences, contests and workshops, including 3 on the international level.